Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Voices That Care

View the LYRICS to this song.

I loved this song when it first came out, and even though it was intended for the Gulf War it can be applied today. Although there are very mixed feelings about the Iraq War, I think that most people agree that they support the troops there and appreciate their service. So even though I can't say I agree with the war we are in now, I will dedicate this to the troops and hope that they are not risking their lives for nothing.

Enjoy this video and the rest of the posts today. Check out the celebrities when they were young, and in some cases, before they passed away, disappeared, went crazy, or became a druggie... *cough* Whitney Houston *cough*.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to work with three guys who have since gone to Iraq. I'm pretty sure one is home safe, but I'm not sure about the other two. They are all great guys and I hope that they are ok. I dedicate this song to them.