Friday, July 27, 2007

Naggin - Ying Yang Twins

View the LYRICS to this song.

Another example of a song that is offensive to women, yet I don't care cause I love it!

Most offensive line:

Imma tell ya what I cant stand
When a woman play the role of a man

Say that to my face and I lose all respect for you.

Favorite Lines:

Shoo fly dont botha me, will I get with her? Probably
Then I thought about it, I wont
Do I really want to, I dont
The headache I really dont want
So imma leave her alone
Cause I can do bad on my own
That's why she gone

*Sigh*....I remember singing along to these exact lines back in the day, only I replaced the 'her's, and 'she's with 'him's and 'he's, and the "bad" with "better"....I could relate at the time.

My version:

Shoo fly dont bother me, will I get with him? Probably
Then I thought about it, I wont
Do I really want to, I dont
The headache I really dont want
So imma leave him alone
Cause I can do better on my own
That's why he's gone
I dedicate this to anyone who has to deal with constant for you.

1 comment:

vagabondtramp said...

i don't like the 'role of a man' line either.

but i've got to tell you, nothing is more unattractive than a woman who nags and nags nags lol.

one of the dumbest things i've ever heard a woman nag about, is the toilet seat being up. sure the guy could put the seat down, but so could she! is it fair that he has to lift UP the seat when he has to take a piss? you never see a guy nagging his wife to put the seat up when she's finished lol