Monday, July 2, 2007

She Works Hard for the Money - Donna Summer

View the LYRICS to this song.

I felt this was an appropriate song for a Monday. Watching old videos are always enjoyable for so many reasons.

A few comments/observations:
*I was very annoyed by the woman's reaction to the guy smacking her rear in the restaurant. If it were me he would have been smacked right back.
*I don't know about you, but I would be a bit creeped out if I looked out of my kitchen window and saw Donna Summer standing there staring and singing to me with no expression on her face.

*For a split second her daughter looks like the indestructible cheerleader from the show Heroes.
*The dance sequence in the street reminds me of another video....hmmm....make it night time, turn the dancing workers into zombies, add a few shimmies and hand-clapping over the head, slip a sequined glove on the woman's hand, and it's Thriller!

I dedicate this to all you hard working women!....sorry men, today's not your day.


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